Stem Cell FAQs
- How do I order stem cells?
- What if my company is a "For Profit" company?
- What agreement(s) do I need to complete for my stem cell request?
- How do I complete the DocuSign agreements?
- How much do the cells cost?
- How do I pay for the cells?
- How will the cells be shipped?
- Who do I contact if I have questions about my order?
- What if I am ordering a cell line I have received previously from the WiCell Stem Cell Bank?
- What technical support is available once I have my cells?
- Where can I find a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for my cells?
- May I obtain your cells from a fellow researcher or university?
- Are human ES cells from the WiCell Stem Cell Bank NIH approved?
- Are there any restrictions on research that can be conducted with stem cells?
- Are there any restrictions on patenting or publishing discoveries made with the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Stem Cells?
- I want to make a product or therapy from a discovery using the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Stem Cells. What do I need?
- From the home page, select 'Stem Cell Lines' and then 'Catalog of Stem Cell Lines'
- Select the applicable criteria desired in your line of interest and select `Show me the matching cell lines`. A listing of cell lines matching your selected criteria will be displayed. From the listing of cell lines displayed, you may select individual cell lines to open the cell line `Product Information Page`. Here you will find further details about the selected cell line.
- Alternatively, if you know the cell line you would like to receive, you may use the search bar at the top of the page. Enter the name of the cell line and select the cell line of interest from the search results displayed. This will open the cell line `Product Information Page`.
- To add a cell line to your cart, indicate whether or not you have received this cell line previously, select your preferred culture platform (if applicable), select your preferred quantity, and then select Add to Cart; If you would like to request additional cell lines, select Continue Shopping.
- Once all desired cell lines have been added to your cart, Click on the cart and select `Start Checkout`.
- If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create an account to complete your order.
- Once your initial order is placed, you will be sent an email containing and links to the specific documents that must be completed and returned to complete the processing of your order. WiCell distributes stem cells from a wide variety of providers, and the links provided are specific to the particular cell line(s) that you have ordered.
- Complete the checklist and all of the associated documents. Depending on the cell lines you have ordered, you may have the MOU-SLA or an MTA, and possibly ancillary documents. Please follow the specific instructions for obtaining signatures for each document.
- MOU agreements are signed by someone who is authorized to sign on behalf of your institution (usually the tech transfer office or the legal department) and are NOT signedby the PI of the laboratory.
- SLA agreements are signed by the PI of the laboratory ordering cells and by someone who is authorized to sign on behalf of your institution (usually the tech transfer office or the legal department).
- MTA documents are signed by the PI of the laboratory ordering cells and by someone who is authorized to sign on behalf of your institution (usually the tech transfer office or the legal department).
- Additional documents are to be signed as indicated on the specific document.
- Remit the signed agreements to the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Contract Manager. Instructions to remit are on the coversheet of the agreement(s).
- Complete the checklist and all of the associated documents. Depending on the cell lines you have ordered, you may have the MOU-SLA or an MTA, and possibly ancillary documents. Please follow the specific instructions for obtaining signatures for each document.
- The WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Contract Manager will update your order when the agreements are received for processing and you will receive a status email. When the agreements are fully executed by WiCell, and the invoiced amount for your order is received, a PDF copy of the executed original(s) will be emailed to the PI and the technology transfer contact.
- Once payment is processed, a WiCell Stem Cell Bank team member will confirm your address and arrange shipment of the cells to your laboratory. Stem cells are shipped within 10 working days after all necessary documents are executed, payment is received and shipping information is confirmed.
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Additional licenses and/or agreements may be required, and different fees may apply. Contact [email protected] for more information.
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A link to the required agreement(s) for the cell line(s) ordered will be included with the WiCell Stem Cell Bank order acknowledgement email. Ancillary agreements may also be required for specific cell lines and will be provided by the Contracts Manager at the time the cell line is ordered. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
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Please see our helpful how to for instructions on completing your DocuSign agreements. Contact us at [email protected] with any additional questions.
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- WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Contract Manger will email an invoice.
- The following payment methods can be used
- Credit card (MasterCard, Visa or American Express)
- Contact the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Contract Manager for information on remitting credit card information
- Contact the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Contract Manager for information on remitting credit card information
- Wire transfer
- Check
- Checks may be mailed to:
WiCell Research Institute
P.O. Box 7365
Madison, WI 53707 - Credit card (MasterCard, Visa or American Express)
- Unfortunately, we cannot accept purchase orders as a form of payment at this time.
- To assure that cells retain quality throughout the shipping process, WiCell uses only vapor shippers for cell transport. Shippers are qualified to ensure that they maintain a temperature below -150° C for a minimum of 10 days to ensure cells will arrive safely, even if delayed in transit. We do not ship cells on dry ice.
- The vapor shippers are reusable and must be returned. Shipping costs are calculated to include delivery of cells as well as return of the reusable shipper. Return instructions and waybill will be provided with the shipment, and can be found inside the shipper upon delivery.
- Domestic shipments (within the United States only) will be shipped via UPS. For international shipments, we will evaluate several couriers and ship via the most cost-effective and reliable option.
- Please contact us at [email protected] for an estimate of shipping costs.
Are there restrictions on patenting or publishing discoveries made with the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's stem cells?
I want to make a product or therapy from a discovery using the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's stem cells. What do I need?
Academic and nonprofit organizations may order stem cell lines through the WiCell website at
Exact transfer fee pricing for each cell line is available by selecting your line(s) of interest from the Order Stem Cell Lines page. If you wish to order three or more vials of the same cell line, a discount
is automatically applied to your cart at check out.
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Any questions related to cell line orders can be directed to WiCell Stem Cell Bank's Contract Manager.
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Please order online using the process outlined above. When asked `Have you received this cell line previously?` respond `yes`.
You will not need to complete new agreements for previously ordered cell lines.
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WiCell's technical support team is available to assist you and answer questions regarding your cultures. Please use the Stem Cell Technical Support page to contact our team. We are committed to answering every request within one business day.
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The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is included with each shipment of cells. An electronic copy can be downloaded here.
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Some, but not all, lines may be transferred with authorization from the original provider if each researcher and institution have executed the appropriate agreements and have remitted a transfer fee. Certain agreements prevent researchers, universities or core facilities from transferring cells to third parties. Please contact us at [email protected] for further information.
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Many, but not all, of the human ES cell lines available through the WiCell Stem Cell Bank are eligible for use in federally funded research in the U.S. Please see the NIH Approved Collection for a complete list of NIH-approved human ES cell lines available from the WiCell Stem Cell Bank. Please see for a current list of stem cell lines eligible for NIH funding. The NIH does not evaluate iPS cells for approval for research funding.
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Yes, generally there are some restrictions on research that may be conducted with human ES and iPS cells obtained from the WiCell Stem Cell Bank. Restrictions may differ between cell lines, and the cell line owners/providers are responsible for defining the restrictions specific to their cells. The restrictions are clearly identified in the documents (MOU-SLA, MTA and/or additional documents) that correspond to a specific cell line.
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No. Investigators are free to patent and publish discoveries made during their research using the WiCell Stem Cell Bank's stem cells. If you want to commercialize your discovery, however, you may need a commercial license. Please contact [email protected] if you have any additional questions in this area.
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Please contact us at [email protected] and your request will be forwarded to a contact at the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). The staff will help you determine if you need a commercial license and discuss the appropriate next steps.
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