
An additional clone from this iPS cell line (MIN05i-33110.2F) is available from WiCell.
Cell Line Alias 33110
Cell Type Human iPS
Disease Carrier of X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism
Genetic Alteration/Mutation TAF1 Variant (heterozygous carrier)
Sex Female
Age at Collection 44 Years
Ethnicity Asian > Filipino
Genetically Related Cell Lines  
Reprogramming Method Non-integrating (Sendai: Oct4, Klf4, Sox2, cMyc)
Tissue Origin Skin Fibroblast
Provider Massachusetts General Hospital
dbGaP Data  
hPSCReg ID  
NIH Approval  
Pub Med Abstract  
Collection(s) X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism
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Current Lot Information

Lot Number Culture Platform Lot Description Passage Number Banked By Protocol Product Information & Testing
WB20163 mTeSR1/Matrigel   23 WiCell WiCell Feeder Independent Pluripotent Stem Cell Protocol PDF