MIRJT6i-mND1-4 and MIRJT7i-mND2-0 were recently added to WISC Bank's repertoire.

These iPS lines were published by Chen, et al., in Nature Methods, which described their derivation in the chemically defined conditions of E8 media on recombinant human vitronectin.

These cell lines can be ordered from WISC Bank.


Abstract - from the Chen publication in Nature Methods (referenced below)

"We re-examine the individual components for human embryonic stem cell (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) culture and formulate a cell culture system in which all protein reagents for liquid media, attachment surfaces and splitting are chemically defined. A major improvement is the lack of a serum albumin component, as variations in either animal- or human-sourced albumin batches have previously plagued human ESC and iPSC culture with inconsistencies. Using this new medium (E8) and vitronectin-coated surfaces, we demonstrate improved derivation efficiencies of vector-free human iPSCs with an episomal approach. This simplified E8 medium should facilitate both the research use and clinical applications of human ESCs and iPSCs and their derivatives, and should be applicable to other reprogramming methods."

Chemically defined conditions for human iPSC derivation and culture.
2011 May;8(5):424-9. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.1593. Epub 2011 Apr 10.